Willmar Schwabe Camphora – 30 ml
Willmar Schwabe India Camphora – 30 ml
Willmar Schwabe India Camphora – 30 ml
Details of Willmar Schwabe India Camphora :
Willmar Schwabe India Camphora is a state of collapse with icy coldness of the whole body; there is a sudden sinking of strength; pulse is small and weak After operations, if temperature is subnormal, low blood pressure, 3 doses camphora officinalis 1x, 15-minute intervals is very effective This condition is met with cholera, and here it is that Camphor has achieved classical fame
Camphora officinalis is indicated well in first stages of a cold, with chilliness and sneezing Patient shows extreme restlessness He may have cracking of joints Camphor has a direct relationship to muscles and fascia In local rheumatic affections in cold climates camphora officinalis can be thought of Distention of veins As a heart stimulant for emergency use of Camphor is the most satisfactory remedy
It is characteristic of Camphor that the patient will not be covered withstanding the icy coldness of the body (Body cold to touch yet cannot bear to be covered) Congestive chill Great coldness of the surface with sudden and complete prostration Sensation of internal heat and external coldness
Camphora officinalis is one of the main remedies in shock Pain in the patients is better while thinking of it Very sensitive to cold and to touch Camphora is also helpful in eruptive fever like measles when the body is cold to touch still the patient does not like to be covered It is the remedy for the sequelae of measles, violent convulsion, with wandering and hysterical excitement, tetanic spasms Scrofulous children and irritable, weakly blonde are especially affected by camphora officinalis It is also useful when the temperature is subnormal after surgeries
Camphora has marked action on chills and sneezing It also helps in sneezing with exceedingly sensitiveness to cold air Camphora is also indicated in Asiatic cholera with sudden vomiting and diarrhea There is not much discharge but the patient suddenly collapses with great coldness of the body
Purpose of Willmar Schwabe India Camphora :
Mind :
- Attacks of anxiety at night
- Fear of being alone at night ( Stram )
- Fear of dark
- Feeling he is going to die
- Irritability from trifles or pain
- Quarrelsome, combative, mania to dispute
- Easily offended
- Dictatorial – Insensibility, vanishing of senses
- Delirium: Destructiveness of clothes Bears the breasts ( Puerpural mania )
Generalities :
- Coldness, blue discoloration. – is icy cold but wants not to be uncovered ( Carb – v, Sec )
- Worse by cold, cold air
- Collapse, weakness and shock
- Cramps, Convulsions, Tetanus
- Pains with a cold sensation
- Cholera ( Ars )
- Worse by Suppressed eruptions, discharges and better by free discharges
- Pain or complaints better by thinking of it
Food and drinks :
- Desire: Cold drinks
Head :
- Headache better when thinking of it
- Occiputal throbbing, like pounding of hammer, synchronous with pulse
- Heat with cold extremities and abdomen
Nose :
- Cold
- Persistent epistaxis, esp. with gooseflesh
Face :
- Pale ( pallor alt. with redness ), bluish, cold. Pinched
- Cold sweat ( Verat )
- Upper lip retracted Lockjaw
Mouth :
- Cold breath, tongue
- Blue tongue
Stomach :
- Coldness, can alt. with burning
- Thirsty for cold drinks ( Phos )
- Vomiting with anxiety, restlessness ( Ars )
- Pit of stomach very sensitive
Abdomen :
- Coldness, can alt. with burning
Rectum :
- Cholera
- Constipation from inactivity of rectum
Urinary :
- Cystitis: burning ( Canth ), strangury, tenesmus
- Nephritis, acute or chronic
- Ailments from suppressed sexual desire ( Con, Puls, Apis )
Male genitalia :
- Impotency: Looses erections during intercourse
Female genitalia :
- Desire increased
- Labor pains ineffectual, with coldness and desire to be uncovered
- Climacteric disturbances
Larynx / trachea :
- Weak voice
Respiration :
- Suffocative dyspnea
- Asthmatic attacks
- Asphyxia ( Laur )
Chest :
- Coldness in chest coming from stomach
Extremities :
- Cramps, convulsions
- Coldness of hands and feet. Feet get hot and burning during the night, uncovers them ( Calc )
- Raynaud-syndrome
- Weakness lower limbs, staggering gait
- Cramps in back of foot, aggravated by motion
Sleep :
- Comatose sleep
- Sleepiness and stupefaction
- Sleepy during day, sleepless at night ( Staph ); with restlessness and cold feet
Skin :
- Dermatitis, rash after exposure to sunlight ( Bell., Nat – c., Nat-m., Puls )
- Icy cold ( Carb – v., Verat )
- Painful sensitiveness or want of sensitiveness ( Cannot tell difference between warm of cold ).