Willmar Schwabe Calotropis 200 CH
Willmar Schwabe India Calotropis 200 CH
Willmar Schwabe India Calotropis 200 CH
Details of Willmar Schwabe India Calotropis :
Willmar Schwabe India Calotropis is useful in the treatment of fever with vomiting and cough. There is a sensation of heat in the stomach. It is also useful in healing ulcers and blotches of skin. It increases the circulation in skin.
Calotropis gigamtea has been used with marked success in the treatment of syphilis following Mercury. Calotropis gigantea can also be thought of in elephantiasis (a tropical parasitic disease that affects lymph nodes and lymph vessels), leprosy (a chronic and curable disease that mainly causes skin lesions and nerve damage), and acute dysentery ( painful diarrhoea with blood in stool).
Calotropis gigantea has shown positive results with pneumonic phthisis and tuberculosis. Calotropis gigantea increases the circulation in the skin. It has powerful effects as a sudorific. In the secondary symptoms of syphilis, where mercury has been used but cannot be pushed safely any farther, calotropis gigantea rapidly recruits the constitution, heals the ulcers and blotches from the skin, and perfects the cure.
Calotropis gigantea also cures primary anaemia of syphilis. Patients complaining of heat in stomach, obesity, while flesh decreases, muscles become harder and firmer are the other few noticeable symptoms of calotropis patients. The leaves and stem of calotropis gigantea when incised yield thick, milky juice that is used as an arrow poisoning. Their leaves in india are considered holy as they resembles lord shiva as mentioned on shivapuran.
The milky latex sap of calotropis gigantean is a known cause of toxic keratoconjunctivitis and reversible vision loss. When a raw plant is applied to the skin, it causes redness and vesication. When taken orally, the juice produces an acrid, bitter taste and burning pain in throat and stomach, salivation, stomatitis, vomiting, diarrhea, dilated pupils, titanic convulsions and collapse. Calotrpis gigantean even has shown the mosquito controlling property against culex gelidus and culex tritaeniohynchus.