Willmar Schwabe Baryta Carbonicum – 30 ml
Willmar Schwabe India Baryta Carbonicum – 30 ml
Willmar Schwabe India Baryta Carbonicum – 30 ml
Details of Willmar Schwabe India Baryta Carbonicum :
Willmar Schwabe India Baryta Carbonicum are of an debilitated weak type, simulating Low fevers, septic conditions of the blood, malarial poisoning and extreme prostration. Baptisia also has indescribable sick feeling with great muscular soreness. All the secretions of baptisia tinctoria are offensive – breath, stool, urine, sweat, etc. Epidemic influenza. Chronic intestinal toxaemias of children with fetid stools and eructation. Baptisia helps in treating typhoid fever in all stages. It is used in cases where the vital fluid is undergoing decomposition and rapid disintegration. Baptisia in low dilutions produces a form of anti-bodies to the bacteria causing typhoid, thus it raises the natural bodily resistance to the invasion of the bacillary intoxication, which produces the typhoid syndrome.
Baptisia Tinctoria has marked action on flu symptoms. It acts well in low grade fevers with nervousness, chilliness and aching pain especially in head, back and limbs. Sore and bruised feeling of the parts rested upon in whatever position he lies. All the discharges like stool, urine and sweat are very offensive. Even breath is foetid. Tongue is coated white with red papillae in middle. Later it is cracked. Patient is delirious during fever, feels his body is scattered into pieces and he cannot cover them up properly.
Baptisia is also useful in diarrhea when the lower abdomen is very sensitive to touch and the bowels begin to rumble. Stools are very offensive with profound prostration and high rise of temperature. It also helps in dysentry during enteric fever. Stools contain decomposed blood often painless.This remedy is also indicated in throat problems when the tonsils are swollen with offensive discharge from mouth. Throat is sore but painless and the patient can swallow liquids only. mamelis, Nitric-acid, Terebinthina.
Purpose of Willmar Schwabe India Baryta Carbonicum :
Mind :
- Dullness
- Cowardice. Fear of people, Timidity
- Sits still in a corner, Aversion to play in children
Imbecility :
- Mania as sexual desire increases
- Generalities Similar to Baryta carb but have more cramps, convulsions
- Swelling and induration of glands, like knotted cords
- Chronic catarrh of ear, nose, respiratory organs
- Cramps. Convulsions, epileptic
Worse morning :
- Electric shock like sensations
- Aneurysma, Arterio sclerosis
Head :
- Tinea capitis ( fungal infection of head scalp )
Face :
- Inflammation of submaxillary glands with hard swellings
Ears :
- Whizzing and buzzing. Noises on chewing and swallowing, or sneezing
- Earache; better sipping cold water. Parotids swollen
- Offensive otorrhœa. Inflates middle ear on blowing nose
Throat :
- Tremendous swelling tonsils. Tonsillitis
External throat :
- Hardness of glands, like knotted cords
Respiratory :
- Bronchial affection of old people with cardiac dilation. Facilitates expectoration
- Great accumulation and rattling of mucus with difficult expectoration
- Arterio-sclerosis of the lung, thus in senile asthma, modifies the arterial tension
- Stomach
Cramps :
- Gone feeling at epigastrium a good guiding symptom for it in chronic affections
- Retching and vomiting. Sensation of heat ascending to head
Abdomen :
- Aneurysm aorta
- Genitalia
- Sexual desire increased
Chest :
- Aneurysm
- Urine
- Great increase in uric acid, diminution of chlorides
Abdomen :
- Throbbing; induration of pancreas; abdominal aneurism. Inguinal glands swollen
- Spasmodic pain in rectum