Willmar Schwabe Adonis Vernalis 1X(Q)
Willmar Schwabe India Adonis Vernalis 1X(Q)
Willmar Schwabe India Adonis Vernalis 1X(Q)
Details of Willmar Schwabe India Adonis Vernalis:
Willmar Schwabe India Adonis Vernalis are the starting point for dilutions. Authenticity of the raw materials, age, collection, cleaning and drying methods, basic percentage of active ingredients, the quality of alcohol and water, and the percentage used, method used ( Percolation or Maceration ), the strength of phytochemicals, filteration, bacterial counts are some of the important factors responsible for good quality mother tinctures. These are meticulously followed at Schwabe India, and the distilled and filtered mother tinctures are stored in rooms fitted with expensive explosion resistant and flame-proof electrical fittings of proper intensities to avoid any accident and protect the phytochemicals content in the tinctures.
How to use Willmar Schwabe India Adonis Vernalis:
Best results of Adonis Vernalis are seen if administered in Mother Tincture.
Take 10 drops in 1/4th cup of water three times a day.
We recommend you to take under physicians guidance.