Willmar Schwabe Acid Carbolicum – 30 ml
Willmar Schwabe India Acid Carbolicum – 30 ml
Willmar Schwabe India Acid Carbolicum – 30 ml
Details of Willmar Schwabe India Acid Carbolicum :
Willmar Schwabe India Acid Carbolicum acts primarily on the central nervous system. Stupor, paralysis of sensation and motion, feeble pulse and depressed breathing, death due to paralysis of respiratory centres.
Willmar Schwabe India Acid Carbolicum helps in mental and bodily tiredness, disinclination to study, with headache like a band. Very marked acuteness of smell is a strong guiding symptom. Stomach symptoms are also important. Pains are terrible; come and go suddenly. Physical exertion brings on abscess somewhere. Putrid discharges. Spasmodic coughs. Arthritis
Purpose of Willmar Schwabe India Acid Carbolicum :
Mind :
- Sensitive to odors
- Irritable, Impatience
- Fear of impending disease
- Absent-minded
- Aversion to mental work
Generalities :
- Anaphylactic Shock after bee sting
- Weakness :
- Faintness, Collapse
- Agg Reading
- Discharges: offensive, burning
- Abscess (esp right ear) from physical exertion
- Malignant and septic conditions
Food and drinks :
- Desire : Alcohol, stimulants
Head :
- Tight feeling, as if compressed by rubber band, agg forehead, temples
- Headache amel smoking, green tea, pressure, binding head; agg menses
Eye :
- Severe neuralgia over right eye
Nose :
- Very acute smell
- Offensive discharges
Face :
- Pale about nose and mouth Cyanotic (blue or purple discoloration of skin)
- Swelling from bee stings
Mouth :
- Swelling of tongue from bee sting
- Offensive breath
- Tingling and burning in tongue, as of thousand pins
Throat :
- Sore throat agg right side Dark red
- Prickling and burning
- Burning dryness with inability to swallow Liquids are forced through nose
Stomach :
- Flatulent distention
- Nausea and vomiting of pregnancy, sea sickness, alcoholics, cancer
- Vomiting dark, olive green
Abdomen :
- Painful flatulence, often marked in one part of bowels
- Rectum
- Bloody stools Offensive stools
- Constipation
Urine :
- Greenish, dark, almost black
Female genitalia :
- Erosions of cervix Uterinne displacement
- Offensive, acrid discharges
- Leucorrhea in children
Back :
- Severe low backache, extending to thighs
Extremities :
- Vesicular eruption on hand
- Weakness lower limbs
Sleep :
- Very sleepy
Skin :
- Itching vesicles, amel rubbing, with burning pain afterwards
- Malignant scarlatina, variola (small pox)
- Bed sores
- Deep wounds from blunt instruments