Willmar Schwabe Abies Canadensis 200 CH
Willmar Schwabe India Abies Canadensis 200 CH
Willmar Schwabe India Abies Canadensis 200 CH
Details of Willmar Schwabe India Abies Canadensis :
Willmar Schwabe India Abies Canadensis is a chief remedy for indigestion and gastric troubles. There is canine hunger with faint feeling at epigastrium. Appetite is increased with cravings for meat, pickles, radishes etc. There is a tendency to eat more than the capacity to digest. There is also burning and distension of stomach. Mucous membranes are affected by Abies Canadensis and gastric symptoms are most marked, and a catarrhal condition of the stomach is produced.
There are peculiar cravings and chilly sensations that are very characteristic, especially for women with uterine displacement, probably due to defective nutrition with debility. Respiration and heart action labored. Wants to lie down all the time; skin cold and clammy, hands cold; very faint. Right lung and liver feel small and hard.
Purpose of Willmar Schwabe India Abies Canadensis :
Mind :
- Irritability, moody, peevish, Snappish
- Mental exhaustion, Indifferent
Generalities :
- Chilly, as if blood were ice-water
- Wants to lie down, lies with legs drawn up
- Agg Right side
- Amel Pressure
Food and drinks :
- Desire: Coarse, indigestible food
- Aversion: Sour food
- Agg : Coarse food, tea
Head :
- Faint, drunken feeling
Stomach :
- Gnawing pain; great appetite, tendency to overeat
- Faint feeling at epigastrium, extending to head
- Distention agg eating
Abdomen :
- Sensation as if right lung and liver is small and hard
- Pain right hypochondrium, ext to right scapula
- Rumbling agg eating
Rectum :
- Burning pain ( constipation )
Genitalia :
- Uterine Displacement; Prolapse
- Sensation as if uterus is soft
Respiration :
- Difficult from distention of stomach
Chest :
- Palpitations from distention of stomach
Back :
- Coldness Sensation of a wet cloth on the back, as if cold water between scapulae
Sleep :
- Position: With limbs drawn up