Dr. Reckeweg Carduus Marianus
Details of Dr. Reckeweg Carduus Marianus 1X ( Q ) :
Dr. Reckeweg Carduus Marianus 1X ( Q ) action of carduus marianus is centered in the liver, and portal system, affecting soreness, pain, jaundice. Carduus marianus has specific relation to the vascular system. Carduus marianus can be used in cases of abuse of alcoholic beverages, especially beer when other symptoms similar to the medicine are also present. In conditions like varicose veins and ulcers, diseases of miners, associated with asthma, dropsical conditions depending on liver disease, and when due to pelvic congestion and hepatic disease, carduus marianus has shown great results. Disturbed sugar metabolism can also be controlled by this wonderful medicine carduus. Other cases like influenza when liver is affected, debility, hemorrhages, especially connected with hepatic disease have given positive feedback with carduus marianus.
Dr. Reckeweg Carduus Marianus 1X ( Q ) also has marked action on liver and portal system causing soreness, pain and jaundice. Want of appetite with nausea, retching and vomiting of green acid fluid. Dragging pain in liver region when lying on left side. Liver is enlarged in transverse direction. It is also useful in gallstones with enlarged liver. Carduus Marianus is also useful in constipation with stools hard, difficult, knotty alternating with diarrhea. Carduus Marianus is also helpful in varicose veins and ulcers.