Dr. Reckeweg Carbo Animalis
Details of Dr. Reckeweg Carbo Animalis :
Dr. Reckeweg Carbo Animalis is also indicated in glandular affections. Glands swollen and painful in neck, axillae, groin, mammae with cutting lancinating and burning pains. Carbo Animalis is also helpful in skin affections like acne rosacea and warts. Warts on hands and face of old people with bluish color of the extremities. It also useful in chilblains which is worse in evening, in bed and from cold.
Carbo animalis seems to be especially adapted to scrofulous and venous constitutions, old people, and after debilitating disease, with feeble circulation and lowered vitality. Carbo animalis patients shows the glands that are indurated, veins that are distended, skin blue. In case of stitching remaining after pleurisy, carbo animalis is considered. These patients are easily strained from lifting. In cases of weakness of nursing women carbo animalis can be thought about. All the secretions of carbo animalis patient are offensive. Carbo animalis has the symptoms of local congestions without heat.
Carbo Animalis is a chief remedy for the treatment of weak digestion. It also helps in ailments from loss of fluids, eating spoiled fish and decayed vegetables. Weak empty feeling in the stomach not relieved by eating. Burning and gripping pain in the stomach. Eating tires patient . Repugnance to fatty food. It also relieves flatulence.