Dr. Reckeweg Bromium
Details of Dr. Reckeweg Bromium :
Dr. Reckeweg Bromium chiefly helps in treating respiratory problems. It is useful in chronic cold with corrosive soreness of nose. Pressure at the root of the nose with stoppage of right nostril. Sneezing from inhaling dust. It is also useful in dry cough with hoarseness and burning pain behind sternum. Cough spasmodic with rattling mucus. Every inspiration causes cough. Cold sensation while taking in breath. It is also useful in respiratory troubles of sailors.
Dr. Reckeweg Bromium is also useful in diptheria with formation of diptheric membrane starting in bronchi, trachea, or larynx and extending upwards. Chest pain runs upwards. Membranous and diptheric croup with much rattling of mucus during cough but no choking.
Dr. Reckeweg Bromium is also indicated in glandular affections when there is stony hard, or tuberculous swelling of glands especially on lower jaw and throat. It is also useful in swelling of testicles with pains worse on slightest jar. It also has action on tumour of breats with stitching pain, worse on left side and on pressure. Pain extending from breasts to axillae ( arm pits ).
Dr. Reckeweg Bromium seems to affect especially scrofulous children with enlarged glands. Bromium is well suited to blond type with enlarged parotid glands that are the salivary glands in animals and humans present in front of your ears and goiter ( enlarged thyroid gland ). Bromium also has the tendency to spasmodic attacks, left-sided mumps, sense of suffocation and excoriating discharges. Bromium patient also complain of profuse sweats and great weakness. Bromium has complaints from being over-heated and there is also tendency to infiltrate glands that become hard, but seldom suppurate.