Dhootapapeshwar Yashada Bhasma
Details of  Dhootapapeshwar Yashada Bhasma :
Dhootapapeshwar Yashada Bhasma is the most potent Bhasma useful in Prameha, Pandu, Shwasa & Netraroga is Yashada Bhasma. It is safe, standardized & prepared by Paradmarit method, one of the best in Bhasmikaran. It acts as Dhatushaithilya Nashak in Prameha, Madhumeha & also reduces its complications like burning of soles, Sarvangadaha, Bhrama, Dourbalya etc. Specially beneficial in emaciated, weak Diabetic persons.
Dhootapapeshwar Yashada Bhasma
Ingredients  of  Dhootapapeshwar Yashada Bhasma :
- Yashada Bhasma Prepared using Shuddha Yashada, Shuddha Parad, Shuddha Gandhak & Nimbu Swarasa • Standardised & most potent being `Paradmarit’ • Most efficacious & safe due to `Amrutikaran’ Sanskar • Found to be safe from Acute & Chronic toxicity in animal study
Indications of Dhootapapeshwar Yashada Bhasma :Â
- Prameha, Madhumeha complications of Madhumeha, Netravikar, Pandu, Shwasa, Kasa, Atyartava, Shwetapradar, Shiroroga, Kampavata
Dosage of Dhootapapeshwar Yashada Bhasma :Â
- 62.5 mg to 125 mg in morning & evening with honey, butter, Goghruta or Godugdha