Dhootapapeshwar Sootashekhar Rasa ( Plain )
Dhootapapeshwar Sootashekhar Rasa ( Plain ) :
A wellknown as `Pitta Matra’, `Sootashekhar’ is excellent Deepak, Pachak and Pittashamak mainly acting on `Sama Pitta’. Most useful in Amlapitta with symptoms such as headache, burning, nausea, belching, Chhardi, Bhrama. Effective in Garbhini in morning sickness during first trimester of pregnancy.
Dhootapapeshwar Sootashekhar Rasa ( Plain )
How to use Dhootapapeshwar Sootashekhar Rasa ( Plain ) :
1 to 2 tablet 2-3 times a day with honey, Ardrak Swarasa or lukewarm water