Dhootapapeshwar Rasarajeshwar Ras ( Gold Preparation )
Dhootapapeshwar Rasarajeshwar Ras ( Gold Preparation ) Â :
A fantastic combination of Suvarnayukta Rasaraj Rasa, Shuddha Vishamushti, Ashwagandha, Rasasindoor & Dashamoola Vishesh Shodhit Guggul, which acts as the best medicine for all  kinds of Nervous System Disorders. Rasarajeshwar Rasa reduces nervine irritation, inflammation and is an excellent pain reliever. Contents like Arjuna and Bala strengthen the muscles and nerves.
Dhootapapeshwar Rasarajeshwar Ras ( Gold Preparation )
How to use Dhootapapeshwar Rasarajeshwar Ras ( Gold Preparation )  :
1 – 2 Tablets once or twice a day with Dashamoolarishta, Maharasnadi Kadha, Ashwagandharishta or lukewarm water