Showing 1–12 of 15 results

Annabethi Chendooram-2 10gm Online now

Original price was: $2.49.Current price is: $1.25.
Annabethi Chendooram-2 10gm Annabethi ChendooramQuantity: 10gmManufacturer: SKM Category: Siddha

Aya Chendooram Tablets – 100Tablets Fashion

Original price was: $5.00.Current price is: $2.50.
Aya Chendooram Tablets – 100TabletsAya Chendooram TabletsQuantity: 100TabletsManufacturer: SKMCategory: Ayurveda Indications:AnemiaJaundiceDiabetes Dose: 1-2Tablets twice a day or as directed by

Gowri chinthamani 10gm Online

Original price was: $8.55.Current price is: $4.28.
Gowri chinthamani 10gmGowri chinthamaniQuantity: 10gmManufacturer: ImpcopsCategory: Siddha

Impcops Kantha Chendooram 10gm Sale

Original price was: $3.69.Current price is: $1.84.
Impcops Kantha Chendooram 10gmKantha ChenduramQuantity: 10gmBrand: ImpcopsCategory: Chenduram

Impcops Karisalai Lehyam 500gm Discount

Original price was: $47.07.Current price is: $18.83.
Impcops Karisalai Lehyam 500gm Karisalai Lehyam Quantity: 500gm Manufacturer: Impcops Category: Siddha

Indukantham Kashayam 200ml Discount

Original price was: $6.00.Current price is: $3.00.
Indukantham Kashayam 200ml Indukantham KashayamQuantity: 200mlManufacturer: SKMCategory: AyurvedaIndications: An efficient combination of poothika, daru, dasamoola, saptala which enhances immunity on

Karisalai Lehyam 500gm Sale

Original price was: $17.33.Current price is: $8.66.
Karisalai Lehyam 500gmKarisalai LehyamQuantity: 500gmManufacturer: Lakshmi Seva SanghamCategory: Siddha

Keezhanelli Chooranam 100gm Online

Original price was: $4.50.Current price is: $2.25.
Keezhanelli Chooranam 100gmKeezhanelli Churnam Quantity: 100gmManufacturer: MedisiddhCategory: Siddha Ingredients:Phyllanthus niruri Indications:Liver disordersIndigestionLoss of Appetite Dose: 5-10gm twice a day or as directed

Mandura Vatakam 50 Tablets on Sale

Original price was: $5.23.Current price is: $2.62.
Mandura Vatakam 50 TabletsMandura Vatakam Quantity: 50TabletsBrand: ImpcopsCategory: Tablets

Navayasa Churnam Tablets – 100Tablets Online

Original price was: $6.50.Current price is: $3.25.
Navayasa Churnam Tablets – 100TabletsNavayasa Chooranam TabletsQuantity: 100TabletsManufacturer: ImpcopsCategory: Ayurveda

Nisa Amalaki Tablet – 100Tablets Sale

Original price was: $3.90.Current price is: $1.95.
Nisa Amalaki Tablet – 100TabletsNisa Amalaki TabletsQuantity: 100TabletsManufacturer: ImpcopsCategory: Ayurveda

SKM Aya Chendooram 10gm on Sale

Original price was: $3.45.Current price is: $1.73.
SKM Aya Chendooram 10gm Aya Chendooram Quantity: 10gm Manufacturer; SKM Category: Siddha Dose: 100-200mg twice a day or as directed