Dhootapapeshwar Punarnava Mandoor
Dhootapapeshwar Punarnava Mandoor :
An excellent Raktavardhak & Shothaghna Yoga specially acting on liver with the ingredients like ‘Punarnava’ & ‘Mandoora’. In Pandu by acting on Liver as well as Pitta it helps in proper excretion of Mala as well as enhances blood circulation. Effective in Shotha being fortified with Gomutra. Alleviates Dhatushaithilya thereby promoting Agnideepan.
Dhootapapeshwar Punarnava Mandoor
How to use Dhootapapeshwar Punarnava Mandoor :
1-2 tablets 2 to 3 times a day with Punarnavasava, Kumari Asava, Ghruta or lukewarm water