Dr. Reckeweg Baryta Muriaticum
Details of Dr. Reckeweg Baryta Muriaticum :
Dr. Reckeweg Baryta Muriaticum different salts of Baryta are called for in organic lesions of the aged who are dwarfish both mentally and physically Baryta muriatica has a strong action on heart, arteries, parotid glands, pancreas, muscles, joints and rectum Baryta muriatica patient is chilly as he feels more of cold He may be irritable as well
Baryta muriatica can also be thought of in headaches, but without acute crisis, occurring in old people; heaviness rather than pain, vertigo due to cerebral anaemia and noises in ears There is an increased tension of pulse and arteriosclerosis where a high systolic pressure with a comparatively low diastolic tension is found in baryta muriatica patients Nympomania and satyriasis ( increased sexual desire in females and males respectively ) , convulsions, etc baryta muriatica has proved its great importance as well There is icy coldness sensation with paresis along with gone voluntary muscle power in patients Paresis may occur after influenza and diphtheria especially Baryta muriatica children goes around with their mouth open and they talk through the nose
Baryta Muriatica helps in the treatment of glandular affections like mumps The middle ear gets inflated on blowing nose It is also helpful in tinnitus with whizzing and buzzing sounds in the ear with earache Noises on chewing or swallowing or sneezing Feels better by taking small quantity of cold water Discharge from ears is offensive Baryta Muriatica is also useful in recurrent tonsillitis from exposure to cold Tonsils are enlarged with difficulty in swallowing It is also indicated in hypertension when there is high systolic pressure with comparatively low diastolic pressure