SBL Cadmium Arsenicosum
Description of SBL Cadmium Arsenicosum :-
Causes & Symptoms for Cadmium Arsenicosum
A constant fear of being alone and cannot tolerate being alone.
Thin, pale, tired and weak constitution with irritability and anger indicates this remedy.
Loathing of life indicates the administration of this remedy.
Complaints aggravated after eating.
Mind and Head
Anxiety, restlessness and fear of being alone indicates Cadmium Arsenicosum.
Stomach and abdomen
Burning and cutting pains in the stomach with severe nausea after eating.
Abdominal pains due to enlarged liver and spleen.
Stool and Anus
Burning pains while passing stools with hemorrhoids that burn, surrounding anal skin is red and itchy.
Cadmium patient is freezing, worse cold, can scarcely get warm even in front of the fire.