SBL Usnea Barbata
Description of SBL Usnea Barbata :-
Causes & Symptoms for Usnea Barbata
It is indicated for headache and congestions.
Usnea is useful to relieve the pains, also helps in loosening the cough and cold in congestions and obstructions.
It helps to fight the germs that can cause infections.
In complaints f sinusitis, blackage of nose, Usnea gives good results.
It can be applied on the skin to relieve the surface infections or external ulcers.
A severe congestive headache that tends to sleep and lie down and better after waking up.
Headache from riding in the hot sun and when compelled to lie down is relieved with Usnea Barbata.
Pain over entire head or front head, with feeling as if temples would burst or eyes burst out of sockets.